

Wills are not just for the wealthy. We all have similar concerns about the future.  Everyone should have a will to determine who you want to carry out your wishes after you are gone (the Executor), who will inherit your assets (the Beneficiaries) and who will take care of your children who are not yet adults (the Guardian).

Depending upon your circumstances, you may need a basic Will or a complex Will. If you are single, or only married once and if you have few assets, then a basic Will may be all that you need.  However, if you have children from a previous marriage, or if you want to set up any type of trust, then you may require a more complex Will.  If you own a business or own shares in a private corporate you may want to consider multiple Wills that can help to minimize Estate Administration Tax.

During our initial consultation, we will discuss your goals for your assets and your wishes for your loved ones, and at that time, we will determine what type of Will is best for you.